Emily Cortright & Adam Roberts | Ep. 64


 In this episode, Emily Cortright and Adam Roberts share their journey in real estate investing, starting from their corporate jobs to their transition into real estate. They discuss their shift from single-family flipping to multifamily investing and the reasons behind it. They also talk about their recent pivot to mortgage note investing and the benefits of this asset class. The importance of building relationships and leveraging networks is emphasized, as well as the significance of making informed decisions based on financial goals and criteria. In this conversation, Adam Roberts and Emily Cortright discuss their journey into note investing and share insights on finding inspiration, educating investors, long-term strategy, location flexibility, leveraging debt, understanding risk, embracing an abundance mindset, questioning expert advice, and the importance of the journey.



  • Real estate investing provides the opportunity to take control of your financial destiny and build wealth.

  • Transitioning from single-family to multifamily investing allows for scalability and the role of a business owner.

  • Mortgage note investing offers a cash flow-focused investment strategy with potential high returns.

  • Building relationships and leveraging networks are crucial for success in real estate investing.

  • Making informed decisions based on financial goals and criteria helps avoid analysis paralysis and shiny object syndrome. Find inspiration from others who are doing what you want to do in real estate investing.

  • Educate investors on note investing to shift their perspective and offer new opportunities.

  • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risk and take advantage of different asset classes.

  • Note investing is accessible to beginners and offers a simple business model with low risk and high returns.

  • Note investing allows for location flexibility and can be done remotely.

  • Leverage debt and other people's money to invest in notes and increase returns.

  • Understand the risks and downsides of note investing, such as the lack of depreciation benefits.

  • Develop an abundance mindset to foster collaboration and growth in the real estate industry.

  • Question expert advice and consider your own experiences and goals.

  • Embrace the journey of entrepreneurship and focus on personal growth and learning.

  • Advice for younger entrepreneur selves: Surround yourself with the right people and embrace education and mentorship.


00:00 - Introduction and Guest Introduction

01:15 - Starting the Journey in Real Estate Investing

06:56 - Pivoting to Mortgage Note Investing

12:28 - The Shift in the Multifamily Landscape

13:13 - Entering the Mortgage Note Investing Market

21:25 - Choosing the Right Mentorship and Coaching Programs

25:43 - Making Decisions and Avoiding Distractions

27:47 - Finding Inspiration and Overcoming Fear

30:29 - Educating Investors on Note Investing

32:00 - Long-Term Strategy and Diversification

35:44 - Note Investing for Beginners

37:25 - Location Flexibility in Note Investing

41:05 - Leveraging Debt in Note Investing

43:17 - Understanding Risk in Note Investing

46:56 - The Downsides of Note Investing

48:21 - The Importance of an Abundance Mindset

50:28 - Questioning Expert Advice

51:18 - Embracing the Journey

52:48 - Advice for Younger Entrepreneur Selves



A&E Investments: https://www.aeinvestments.com/



Nick & Nick on the Power of Leverage | Ep. 65


Dane Fitch's Incredible Journey from Educator to Investor | Ep. 63